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Intel Buzz Workshop Berlin

intel buzz

Game Science Center Besselstr. 14 10969 Berlin Germany

The Intel® Buzz Workshop is a one day event focusing on tech and content trends in the games industry. Experts from design, engineering and marketing discuss and present their perspectives on the current state and next developments. It includes business, technical and VR sessions as well as debates on diversity, networking, the opportunity to get feedback from Intel experts and other speakers, plus a chance to feature games in a selected (indie) games expo. The day is closed with an informal get together including free snacks and drinks! The event is free to attend. Pre-registration is required on this page!

In cooperation with Talk & Play.

Target groups:

Game developers, game designers, engineers, hardware hackers, students and the rest of the games industry.

Interested in exhibiting your game? APPLY for the game showcase through this form.

The Intel® Buzz Workshop Series started in 2013 with a focus on bringing local game developer communities together to address the game industry's biggest challenges in gaming. The one-day event includes technical sessions, panels, networking, and the opportunity to troubleshoot your creations with Intel experts.

#buzzworkshop // @IntelSoftware


10:00-10:15 Welcome
Antoine Alfero (Intel), Michael Liebe (Booster Space)

10:15-11:00 Keynote
Managing large data sets for teams
Thomas Miller (Creative Assembly)

11:00-11:30 Talk
Disempowerment Fantasies: How taking power away from players can create better games
Valentina Tamer (Daedalic Entertainment)

11:30-12:00 Talk
Crowdfunding and Financing meets Self Marketing
Thomas Bidaux (ico Partners)

12:00-13:00 Panel tba

13:00-14:00 Lunch Break
Nomnomnom (Burps)

14:00-14:45 Keynote
Production / Management

14:45-15:15 Intel Dev Talk
Beam me up - Holographic telepresence using the HoloLens
Thomas Endres, Martin Förtsch (Intel Innovator/TNG Technology Consulting)

15:15-15:45 Talk
Realistic human interaction in VR with Unity (while keeping realistic expectations & budget)
Adam Streck (DZNE/neomento)

15:45-16:15 Talk
Procedural generation technology in game development
Marc Braun (Ubisoft Blue Byte)

16:15-16:30 Pecha Kucha
15 Minutes
Eric Jannot (waza! games)

16:30-17:30 Talks
Talk & Play Developer Short Talks presented by Lorenzo Pilia (Talk & Play)
Alexander Pieper (Studio Fizbin)
and more

17:30 - 18:00 Panel
Time Travel: How would your first game look like with the hardware power of today?

18:00 - 18:10 Awards, Part 1
Giveaways, Prices for Feedback cards

18:10-19:10 Game Show
Seitenquiz Special
Olaf Pöschk, Jenni Wergin

19:10 - 19:20 Awards, Part 2
Giveaways, Prices for Best Social Media Post

Networking & Beer drinking


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